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Market Renovation Program in Kazakhstan

     According to the decree  Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 25, 2016 No. 111 "On approval of the rules for organizing the activities of trade markets", which  come into force on the entire territory of Kazakhstan from January 1, 2020,  activity of trading markets  will be terminated.
    Given this law on   "Renovations of Markets", we are launching the first stage of a comfortable building, where  partially  existing tenants from the Central Market Territory will be transferred, as well as new network operators and restaurateurs will be attracted.

            FROM THE HISTORY:

     New Shopping and entertainment center "Central Market" is renewed  "Central Market", which is currently undergoing a stage of modernization. At all times, the market was the most  active part of the city - the center of trade and financial flows. Entrepreneurs from various trading industries have always aspired to become part of this huge trading industry with  mass presence of people.

     In order to create a comfortable urban environment, in 2006 it was decided to move the "Central Market" from the congested urban area to more  suitable  for this  business, part of the city - along the Alash highway. Thus, huge flows of wholesale and retail sales are comfortably located on spacious territories and additional opportunities for trade development have appeared. Since 2007, the market has been welcoming its regular customers at the new address, Alash 15 highway.

    According to the Roadmap for the modernization of markets developed by the Akimat  together with the Chamber of Entrepreneurs, will end on January 1, 2021  the next stage is the relocation of the "container trade" to modern Shopping Centers.

    SEC "Central Market" is an ideal embodiment of this strategy of the state, as it corresponds to  modern requirements of the time  and consumer needs.

  • The launch was made in mid-February 2019  FIRST stage, with a total area of 18 thousand sq. M. Shopping areas are occupied by shops  clothing, footwear, accessories, perfumery and food court, consisting of multiple food operators. The planned opening of the mall for visitors took place on April 14, 2019. Of the first anchors in this building, "LC WAIKIKI OUTLET" was opened        readiness 100% 

  • SECOND order accepted  to its territory "Detsky Mir" in December 2019. In the spring of 2020, it was joined by  "Sulpak".      readiness 100%  

  •   THIRD turn and  It is planned to launch in the fall of 2021 and includes a 6-screen cinema, a rope park, and a food court.  availability 95%  

  •   FOURTH, the current building will be renovated until spring 2022 in several stages.

Очередность строительства ТЦ Central Market (май 2019).jpe

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© 2019 by Nur-Sultan Central Market. LLP "Central Market LTD" 
Nur-Sultan city, Alash highway 15/1.

  Registered trade mark

update from 3.08.2021

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